Dear Mr. Gingrich,
It seems you are worried for the welfare of poor children. I have heard many times on the news today that you feel these poor children through no fault of their own are lacking in the ability to work 8 hours legally. Their parents are sadly engaged only in illegal activities, which we all know take place during bankers hours. As a result these poor children will be thrown into a world expecting them to work all day and they will have no examples to follow, God only knows congressman never venture into these areas to set an example, but we digress. You would like these children to work at their schools, cleaning bathrooms and floors. While your concern for these children is contemptible, I mean, no that's what I mean. You ought to pay attention to another area of society that is just as lacking in skills. As these are not poor children it is difficult at best to have anyone pay attention to them. Goodness knows the liberal media just ignores them.
The children of the rich, and by rich I mean mostly congressman and wall street types. These poor children think the only way to earn a buck is to skimp on your taxes, or get elected to congress. They have no idea what it is to do the job you were elected, I mean hired to do. So for them Newt I suggest you offer similar job openings I'm sure there are many bathrooms in the halls of Congress, and God only knows there is more crap there then elsewhere, maybe they could clean it up.